Summer is almost here, and you may find yourself dreaming of taking a vacation or going on several day trips and summertime adventures. While summer can be a relaxing time in many areas, including finances (after all, tax season is over and you won’t have to worry about it again for several more months), it’s also a great time to take stock of your financial health and think about how you can both have fun and save money this summer.

1. Take Advantage of Free Activities

Over the summer, many towns and cities, such as NYC, offer free entertainment and activities, from movie nights to concerts to yoga and more. Parks are also great places to visit, as well as hiking and nature trails. Many playgrounds feature sprinklers and can be a great place to take your kids. Museums are often also free with a suggested donation, making them enriching yet affordable places to cool off from the summer heat.

2. Purchase Group Tickets

Want to go to an amusement park or the theater but ticket prices are holding you back? Many places have discounted prices if you purchase group tickets. It shouldn’t be too hard to find a group of friends or neighbors who are interested in purchasing group tickets with you to an activity, as they’ll get the discounted price, too!

3. Ask About Library Passes

Your local library may offer day passes to otherwise pricy activities in your area. These passes often need to be reserved in advance, and the popular ones can go quickly. Get a head start on your summer activity planning by reaching out to your library today to find out about their activity passes before all the good ones are gone!

4. Budget for Vacation

If you are planning to go away this summer, there are a variety of ways you can save money. Credit card points or miles can help pay for airfare, hotels, and even food and attractions. You can also cut back on spending in other areas in order to be able to spend more on your vacation. Remember that vacation spending is more than just airfare and hotels. You also need to include travel costs at your destination, restaurants, activities, and souvenirs. 

5. Strategize How You Can Save Money On Your Taxes

Take advantage of the slower pace of life in the summer to spend some time evaluating your tax strategy for the coming year. If you had owed taxes this past year or didn’t get as much of a refund as you hoped, there may be ways you can save more money on your taxes for next year. A financial planning expert can help you in this area.

At DeSantis, Kiefer, Shall, & Sarcone, our experts can help you with all your financial planning needs. Whether you are looking to save money this summer, start a business, build wealth for retirement, or more, we can help you make savvy decisions so that your finances stay in a healthy place. Let us help you reach your financial goals, whatever they may be!