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Website Links

The Internal Revenue Service
Downloadable tax forms and publications as well as a lot of great tax advice.

Social Security Administration
Learn how the Social Security Administration can help with your retirement, Medicare, Disability, survivorship and other benefit questions.

U.S. Small Business Administration
You don't need an MBA to use the SBA. This site outlines everything in plain English. The SBA site contains a wealth of information for entrepreneurs and small business owners.

U.S. Department of Commerce
A thorough overview of the Commerce Department and the organizations under its banner

Federal Consumer Information Center
Not only a catalog of free and low-cost federal publications of consumer interest, but also a wealth of information on other subjects such as product recalls, the latest scams and frauds, and more.

Broker Check Link

Peer Review Letter

Click on the link above to view a copy of our latest Peer Review Letter



 "Disclaimer: Links provided from this website are strictly for informational purposes and are not an endorsement or recommendation of the site, company, content, or its sponsoring organization by DeSantis, Kiefer, Shall & Sarcone LLP or its affiliates. DeSantis, Kiefer, Shall & Sarcone LLP provides these links as a convenience to you, and has not tested any software or verified any information found at such sites.  Risks are associated with the use of software and the information available on the Internet and you acknowledge and understand these risks before using any of these services."

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